Tuesday, March 3, 2009

QBU 3.3.09

Coating inner lower hullsides, roughly an hour to coat once upon waking up on a good day off, then do other jobs/tasks until late at night, when it seems ready for the second coat Not sanding between coats, not brushing. Squeegee only, and I'm becoming quite adept at it. The first coat lifts the grain, and the second covers everything end makes it smooth-surfaced. If grain shows through anywhere, I apply more goo.

Goo supply holding up as of now, should carry me well into the filleting phase, (hopefully all the way through before needing to get more.)

Done one lower completely, and have first coat on second, so 3/8ths of the way through this particular job, and will be 1/2 way through tonight, then work Wed, so on Thurs I might do the third hullside, then the fourth on Sunday.

After Sunday we will hit a new set of tasks, scarphing the stringers and attaching them to the hullsides are the last big jobs, completing the 'parts' for the lower hull assembly.

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